portfolio 2014 Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall Robotically Fabricated Lightweight Timber Shell 2013 HygroSkin Meteorosensitive Pavilion 2012 Connecting Intelligence Diploma Thesis 2011 ICD / ITKE Research Pavilion 2011 Performative Architectural Morphology 2010 ICD / ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 Bending-active Material System 2010 E-Car City Munich 2050: A scenario for the inner city ring 2010 Robotically Manufactured Material Systems RoboLab: A research project in robotical fabrication 2010 Sustainable Structures Prefabricated Living 2010 Berlin Olympic Landscape Schindler Award 2010 2009 Evolutionary Design Strategies Genetic Algorithms 2009 Reciprocities Adaptively Bended Veneer Structure 2008 Splish Splash Hot Springs Stuttgart 2008 MyTown.com Community Center Stuttgart-West 2008 Space / Context / Program / Structure A Spatial Exercise
2014 Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall

Robotically Fabricated Lightweight Timber Shell
2013 HygroSkin

Meteorosensitive Pavilion
2012 Connecting Intelligence

Diploma Thesis
2011 ICD / ITKE Research Pavilion 2011

Performative Architectural Morphology
2010 ICD / ITKE Research Pavilion 2010

Bending-active Material System
2010 E-Car City

Munich 2050: A scenario for the inner city ring
2010 Robotically Manufactured Material Systems

RoboLab: A research project in robotical fabrication
2010 Sustainable Structures

Prefabricated Living
2010 Berlin Olympic Landscape

Schindler Award 2010
2009 Evolutionary Design Strategies

Genetic Algorithms
2009 Reciprocities

Adaptively Bended Veneer Structure
2008 Splish Splash

Hot Springs Stuttgart
2008 MyTown.com

Community Center Stuttgart-West
2008 Space / Context / Program / Structure

A Spatial Exercise